Kvikkjokk and Ritsem are the start and finish points of the Padjelantaleden. Both are relatively isolated, small mountain villages located in Swedish Lapland.
No direct transport is available from outside of Sweden. Reaching either location requires transit via Stockholm combined with multiple transit points further north. From Stockholm the average journey will be around 24 hours of train and bus travel. is a website which covers all transportation in Sweden. It is a useful resource for checking timetables and travel planning without having to go to the individual bus, train, and airline websites. Due to the multitude of options for reaching Kvikkjokk or Ritsem, I highly recommend using this resource in your travel planning, as I can only provide a rough overview of all the possible travel options.
It is important that you search with the correct travel dates when planning, as some of the buses only run partially through the season. While Kvikkjokk has year round bus access, buses to Ritsem only run while the STF fjällstation is open – typically late June to early September.
Taking the night train from Stockholm is the most straightforward and efficient way to get yourself to the north by early morning the following day. The same applies for the journey south again.
If traveling with a combination of train and bus, it is best to book your full journey through the Swedish SJ train website, as you will receive compensation in the event of any delays.
There are some flight options to multiple locations in north Sweden, however reaching the trail still requires several further bus or train connections.
You can also manually see the scheduled bus routes on the Länstrafiken Norrbotten bus website. When possible, I have listed the relevant bus number.
Länstrafiken Norrbotten –